Introdans moves you in 2013/14. Both of the dance ensembles undertake theatre tours in The Netherlands and abroad. Performances full of passion, love and dynamism. Dance that's great to watch. Dance that's great to experience.
dinsdag 18 mei 2010
Belgische Introdans dansers in Zuid-Afrika
Introdans dansers Laurent Drousie en Lennart Huysentruyt, beiden afkomstig uit Belgie, werden tijdens de afgelopen Zuid-Afrikaanse SP!R!T tournee geinterviewd voor de Belgische media. De Vlaamse journalist Karl Symons maakte de beelden en verwijst op een sympathieke manier naar de verschillen waar onze Zuiderburen mee te maken hebben. Klik hier om het interview te bekijken.
Zwitserland Reisweblog. Dag 13, door Joan Sol Madrid
Schedule day 13 | Dancers: Performances (2x) | Roel Voorintholt: talk back on stage with Isabella Spirig
I am here again... I had the pleasure to open the Switzerland weblog, and now I have the pleasure to wite the last comment. It was a great tour, with a lot of nice things and emotions. We had the oppotunity to see nice cities, to experiece the amazing Swiss audience in the theaters and to meet warm people in the streets. Besides that, we had a beautifull swiming pool in one of the hotels we stayed in, with a jacuzzi, sauna and bath steam as well! This really helped to relax our muscels after the performances!
We all enjoyed so much this tour, but I think I also speak on behalf of everyone by saying that we want to go back home now. We definately need rest, doing our things, eat our own food, or just read a book siting on OUR OWN SOFA.
The last day in Zurich we had two performances: one school performance in the morning and another one in the evening. Before the last performance started, we had to fix a few things. We were really tired of the last 10 days of travelling in Switserland and some of the dancers became a little bit sick. That's why some dancers did not feel totally fit, but still had to perform...yeah, we all know "The show must go on". Fortunately, the last performace went well and the audience applauded us enthusiastically.
Tomorrow, we'll travel back to the Netherlands. Thanks to everyone who made the last show possible, as well as the great 13 days in Switserland.
Kind regards, Joan Sol Madrid Riola
We all enjoyed so much this tour, but I think I also speak on behalf of everyone by saying that we want to go back home now. We definately need rest, doing our things, eat our own food, or just read a book siting on OUR OWN SOFA.
The last day in Zurich we had two performances: one school performance in the morning and another one in the evening. Before the last performance started, we had to fix a few things. We were really tired of the last 10 days of travelling in Switserland and some of the dancers became a little bit sick. That's why some dancers did not feel totally fit, but still had to perform...yeah, we all know "The show must go on". Fortunately, the last performace went well and the audience applauded us enthusiastically.
Tomorrow, we'll travel back to the Netherlands. Thanks to everyone who made the last show possible, as well as the great 13 days in Switserland.
Kind regards, Joan Sol Madrid Riola
dinsdag 11 mei 2010
Zwitserland Reisweblog. Dag 12, door Merel Janssen
Schedule day 12 | Dancers: warming up | All: performance at 10:00 | Dancers: talk back with the audience | All: 1/2 day off
Lang zal ze leven, lang zal ze leven in de Glòriaaa! Ja, ja, vandaag is het Glòria's beurt, die op deze vroege ochtend wakker wordt gemaakt met een lekker ontbijtje op bed. Het is goed te merken dat we nu al een tijdje onderweg zijn, want de oogjes gaan steeds een beetje moeilijker open. Maar de plicht roept: om 08:00 uur banen we ons weer vrolijk een weg door de regen naar het theater. Er wachten daar 1000 (!) enthousiaste kinderen op ons. Wat een kick! Het geeft zo'n super gevoel om voor zo'n grote groep oprecht eerlijk en uitbundig publiek te mogen staan.

Staand op het toneel zijn de reacties luid en duidelijk te horen en blijft er geen twijfel bestaan over wat ze ervan vinden. Introdans is een groot succes hier in Zwitserland! Dat blijkt ook later tijdens het nagesprek, als ze ongeduldig op en neer springen om hun vraag te mogen stellen.
Hoe kunnen jullie al die stapjes onthouden?, Van waar uit Italie kom jij precies?, Waarom spreken jullie zo slecht Duits? Zo schattig :-).
Na de show is het tijd om wat uit te rusten, en te genieten van de voordelen van het mooie hotel hier in Zurich. Een goede keus blijkt, als later de hagel met bakken uit de hemel naar beneden komt.
1 ding is zeker, we komen hier niets te kort, en genieten er met z'n allen met volle teugen van. En wat een voorrecht: een prachtige voorstelling mogen dansen en overenthousiaste reacties van het publiek. Morgen spelen we de laatste twee voorstellingen in het STEPSfestival: een schoolvoorstelling en een avondvoorstelling. Woensdag de terugreis naar Nederland, donderdag vrij en vrijdag...repetities, want zondag spelen we BONTE BENDE in Groningen!
Groeten uit Zurich van Merel
Lang zal ze leven, lang zal ze leven in de Glòriaaa! Ja, ja, vandaag is het Glòria's beurt, die op deze vroege ochtend wakker wordt gemaakt met een lekker ontbijtje op bed. Het is goed te merken dat we nu al een tijdje onderweg zijn, want de oogjes gaan steeds een beetje moeilijker open. Maar de plicht roept: om 08:00 uur banen we ons weer vrolijk een weg door de regen naar het theater. Er wachten daar 1000 (!) enthousiaste kinderen op ons. Wat een kick! Het geeft zo'n super gevoel om voor zo'n grote groep oprecht eerlijk en uitbundig publiek te mogen staan.

Staand op het toneel zijn de reacties luid en duidelijk te horen en blijft er geen twijfel bestaan over wat ze ervan vinden. Introdans is een groot succes hier in Zwitserland! Dat blijkt ook later tijdens het nagesprek, als ze ongeduldig op en neer springen om hun vraag te mogen stellen.
Hoe kunnen jullie al die stapjes onthouden?, Van waar uit Italie kom jij precies?, Waarom spreken jullie zo slecht Duits? Zo schattig :-).
Na de show is het tijd om wat uit te rusten, en te genieten van de voordelen van het mooie hotel hier in Zurich. Een goede keus blijkt, als later de hagel met bakken uit de hemel naar beneden komt.
1 ding is zeker, we komen hier niets te kort, en genieten er met z'n allen met volle teugen van. En wat een voorrecht: een prachtige voorstelling mogen dansen en overenthousiaste reacties van het publiek. Morgen spelen we de laatste twee voorstellingen in het STEPSfestival: een schoolvoorstelling en een avondvoorstelling. Woensdag de terugreis naar Nederland, donderdag vrij en vrijdag...repetities, want zondag spelen we BONTE BENDE in Groningen!
Groeten uit Zurich van Merel
maandag 10 mei 2010
Zwitserland Reisweblog. Dag 11, door Léa Jaureguy
Schedule day 11 | Dancers: class + spacing/corrections | Technicians: Set up theatre Zurich
Today it's the eleventh day of the tour and it's almost a free day. This morning we had not to get up early which was great after the party we had last night. The white party was really nice, full of people and the music was good. It was nice to go out together as a group. That's probably one thing I like most of touring; you spend so much time together with you colleagues that it almost feels like a family!
In the afternoon we had to start working. We spend one hour of class and after that one hour of spacing. Luckliy, this was not too hard. After work some dancers and I went to the hotel's infinite pool, jacuzzi and steam-bath to recover; quite a healty refreshing! Today it's the birthday of dancer Joan and in a few days it's Gloria's. So we decided to have a dinner somewhere. We went to a nice italian restaurant with almost everybody, had lots of fun and the food was great! Now it's time to sleep cause tomorrow the show starts at 10.00 a.m!
Aufwiedersehen, and viele grusse,
Léa Jaureguy
Today it's the eleventh day of the tour and it's almost a free day. This morning we had not to get up early which was great after the party we had last night. The white party was really nice, full of people and the music was good. It was nice to go out together as a group. That's probably one thing I like most of touring; you spend so much time together with you colleagues that it almost feels like a family!
Aufwiedersehen, and viele grusse,
Léa Jaureguy
zondag 9 mei 2010
Zwitserland Reisweblog. Dag 10, door Karin Lambrechtse
Schedule day 10 | Dancers: Day off in Zurich | Technicians: Travel to Zurich
Goodmorning!! Day 10 of the dance festival STEPS. Since the beginning of this tour we were having grey clouds above our heads. Today.. not! The sun is shining, hoera!! Switzerland is beautiful, and with a littlebit of sun everything just seems happyer and brighter. This is my fourth time with Introdans in Switzerland and I love it, even though we go from city to city, change hotels and theatres all the time the travelling always relaxes me. Seeing the mountains and Swiss life pass by, listening to my music, I feel really happy. Plus today is a free day!
Normally, I'm really active, planning in advance the buildings, museums or shops I want to visit, but today, also because I've seen Zurich, I decided to take advantage of all the luxery the hotel had to offer. Great breakfast, sauna, swimmingpool, steambath, jaccuzi and reading my book.
At 7pm we all met in the lobby to go to see the performance of Diversions, a company from Wales. The festival offers us free tickets which is great. After that we spend some time in the hotel room getting ready for the White Party. I think the biggest party in the history of Karin going out :-)
We are all really excited, lots of friends and other dancers will be there too so it will be great! Tomorrow we start later in the day and we don't have a performance, so we are allowed to have a partynight! All in all this has been a great trip so far. Enjoying the country, stages and the response of the young and adult audience. So who knows a 5th time!?!
Viele Grüße aus Zurich, Karin Lambrechtse

Normally, I'm really active, planning in advance the buildings, museums or shops I want to visit, but today, also because I've seen Zurich, I decided to take advantage of all the luxery the hotel had to offer. Great breakfast, sauna, swimmingpool, steambath, jaccuzi and reading my book.

Viele Grüße aus Zurich, Karin Lambrechtse
zaterdag 8 mei 2010
Zwitserland Reisweblog. Dag 9, door Matteo Marfoglia
Schedule day 9 | Dancers: warming up | All: performance at 10:00 and 20:00 | Dancers and Roel Voorintholt: talk back with the audience | Technicians: break down | All: transfer from Zug to Zurich
Today was a long long day. Everything started at seven o'clock in the morning when all our alarms rang. We had a really nice, big and energetic breakfast, just before for our first show that took place in Zug at 10:00.
We dancers had a nice talk back with the school children and after that, we all spread around the city because we had a seven hours break before our second warming up for the evening show that would start at 20:00.
So everyone decided to make their own lives, some of us used our stage materasses from Double/Single, the piece by William Forsythe which we are doing in the Swiss program, to have a SSSSSSSSSSSIESTA (even Gloria slept hahahaha) ....because of the early waking.
I was quite awake the intire day so I decided I did not need a nap, and I went to enjoy a bit of the sunshine that we had today (after three days of fully rain). So me, Joan, Nicole and Gloria went for a nice buffet lunch outside with the view on the lake and watched the cages with beatiful birds that they have by the lake. Everyone was ready for a nap when I decided to continue my walking around the city when suddenly I met the Dutcheeeesss (Merel and Karin) of course in Starbucks, so we decided to make the last shopping before the evening show.
Our show started, all our energy got together to make up a reallly good show before our free day tomorrow in Zurich. After the show we had a talk back for the first time with adults audience, and not as usually with children, and was really surprising and inspiring how we could share things that usually with children does not happen. Now we are on our way to Zurich and we will celebrate the end of this week with a nice drink at the hotel all together.
Warm regards from Switzerland, Matteo
Today was a long long day. Everything started at seven o'clock in the morning when all our alarms rang. We had a really nice, big and energetic breakfast, just before for our first show that took place in Zug at 10:00.

So everyone decided to make their own lives, some of us used our stage materasses from Double/Single, the piece by William Forsythe which we are doing in the Swiss program, to have a SSSSSSSSSSSIESTA (even Gloria slept hahahaha) ....because of the early waking.
Our show started, all our energy got together to make up a reallly good show before our free day tomorrow in Zurich. After the show we had a talk back for the first time with adults audience, and not as usually with children, and was really surprising and inspiring how we could share things that usually with children does not happen. Now we are on our way to Zurich and we will celebrate the end of this week with a nice drink at the hotel all together.
Warm regards from Switzerland, Matteo
vrijdag 7 mei 2010
Zwitserland Reisweblog. Dag 8, door Miguel Esteves
Schedule day 8 | All: performance at 10.00 | Technicians: break down | All: travel from Basel to Zug
Hello everyone!
Sidi Larbi´s new creation "Babel", left some of us speechless. It was a marvelous performance, which we visited last night! Indeed an experience and a must see. It was Yesterday after a hole free day in Basel that me, Nicole, Karin, Merel and Glen went to Zurich buy car to see it. In company with a random CD of Spice Girls! It was definitely a great end of the day and besides, Karin is a very good driver! Right Glenn!? After the performance we gave our greetings to James O´Hara, who taught us "In Memoriam" for the 2nd program "Bonte Bende". It was lovely to see him again and this time as a performer.
I have to say that I do not really remember the returning back to the Hotel in Basel. The sleepy feeling took us away for the hole time. Only Karin and Merel stood awake and they kept their eyes on the road! THANK YOU GIRLS, we arrived safely! Today Roel arrived in Basel and still on time to wish us toi toi toi for the early 10:00 am performance. It was a great performance where we were clapped by an exciting and sweet young audience! At 13.15 we got our selves on the bus heading to Zug City. The Hotel here in Zug is great! Nice big room areas, sauna and a pool! Only shame that we do not have free internet again. That is why we all came once again to Starbucks for 30 minutes of “free” internet and a Caramel Machiatto.
The weather here is still the same...humid, grey and raining here and there. At this moment I'm preparing myself to go to the theatre for a small rehearsal and spacing. Tonight we'll finish the day at the nice pool and sauna section, room service and bed. Tomorrow morning another school performance awaits us.
Let’s see what the time here will give us! Kind regards from Zug!
Miguel Esteves
Maak kans op twee vrijkaarten!
De dansers en crew van Introdans zijn begin deze week teruggekeerd uit Zuid-Afrika. De serie van vier voorstellingen in Kaapstad is door publiek en pers enthousiast ontvangen. Lees hier een van de recensies. De dansers en crew van Introdans Ensemble voor de Jeugd vervolgden hun tournee door Zwitserland: van Luzern, Vevey, Bern en Basel reisden zij naar Zug. Volgende week eindigt hun tournee in Zurich. Daarna vervolgen beide dansersensembles in Nederland en Belgie de tournees van HOLLAND AMERIKA LIJN en BONTE BENDE. Tot slot sluiten zij tijdens END OF SEASON gezamenlijk het dansseizoen 2009/10 af.
In de kleedkamer maakten de dansers onderstaande foto. Wie zijn het?

Als u denkt alle dansers te herkennen, mail hun namen dan door aan, onder vermelding van 'Prijsvraag Weblog'. Reglement: inzendingen dienen op 17 mei a.s. te zijn ontvangen | medewerkers van Introdans zijn uitgesloten van deelname | de winnaar ontvangt persoonlijk bericht | over de prijsvraag wordt niet gecorrespondeerd.
Onder de goede inzendingen verloot Introdans twee vrijkaarten voor de voorstelling END OF SEASON op vrijdag 25 juni a.s. Het programma bestaat uit De Ontmoeting/Kamerbewoners, een project van Introdans Interactie in samenwerking met Dr. Leo Kannerhuis, in een choreografie van Adriaan Luteijn. Daarna presenteren beide dansersensembles een gevarieerd en sprankelend dansprogramma. Kijk hier voor meer informatie over END OF SEASON.
Hello everyone!
I have to say that I do not really remember the returning back to the Hotel in Basel. The sleepy feeling took us away for the hole time. Only Karin and Merel stood awake and they kept their eyes on the road! THANK YOU GIRLS, we arrived safely! Today Roel arrived in Basel and still on time to wish us toi toi toi for the early 10:00 am performance. It was a great performance where we were clapped by an exciting and sweet young audience! At 13.15 we got our selves on the bus heading to Zug City. The Hotel here in Zug is great! Nice big room areas, sauna and a pool! Only shame that we do not have free internet again. That is why we all came once again to Starbucks for 30 minutes of “free” internet and a Caramel Machiatto.
The weather here is still the same...humid, grey and raining here and there. At this moment I'm preparing myself to go to the theatre for a small rehearsal and spacing. Tonight we'll finish the day at the nice pool and sauna section, room service and bed. Tomorrow morning another school performance awaits us.
Let’s see what the time here will give us! Kind regards from Zug!
Miguel Esteves
Maak kans op twee vrijkaarten!
De dansers en crew van Introdans zijn begin deze week teruggekeerd uit Zuid-Afrika. De serie van vier voorstellingen in Kaapstad is door publiek en pers enthousiast ontvangen. Lees hier een van de recensies. De dansers en crew van Introdans Ensemble voor de Jeugd vervolgden hun tournee door Zwitserland: van Luzern, Vevey, Bern en Basel reisden zij naar Zug. Volgende week eindigt hun tournee in Zurich. Daarna vervolgen beide dansersensembles in Nederland en Belgie de tournees van HOLLAND AMERIKA LIJN en BONTE BENDE. Tot slot sluiten zij tijdens END OF SEASON gezamenlijk het dansseizoen 2009/10 af.
In de kleedkamer maakten de dansers onderstaande foto. Wie zijn het?

Als u denkt alle dansers te herkennen, mail hun namen dan door aan, onder vermelding van 'Prijsvraag Weblog'. Reglement: inzendingen dienen op 17 mei a.s. te zijn ontvangen | medewerkers van Introdans zijn uitgesloten van deelname | de winnaar ontvangt persoonlijk bericht | over de prijsvraag wordt niet gecorrespondeerd.
Onder de goede inzendingen verloot Introdans twee vrijkaarten voor de voorstelling END OF SEASON op vrijdag 25 juni a.s. Het programma bestaat uit De Ontmoeting/Kamerbewoners, een project van Introdans Interactie in samenwerking met Dr. Leo Kannerhuis, in een choreografie van Adriaan Luteijn. Daarna presenteren beide dansersensembles een gevarieerd en sprankelend dansprogramma. Kijk hier voor meer informatie over END OF SEASON.
donderdag 6 mei 2010
Zwitserland Reisweblog. Dag 7, door Gloria Ros Abellana
Schedule day 7 | Dancers: day off | Technicians: set up | Dressing lady: cleaning and repairing costumes
Today: a FREE DAY for us, dancers! Yupie!
After the hard day of work we had in Bern, we deserved to have some time for us. We woke up in our little hotel and discovered a grey day outside....

So some of us feel really lazy and go back to their rooms for an "after breakfast nap", while some others decide to get some fresh air on the streets of Basel. Shopping looks like a really good option, even though Swiss prices are way too high! We join the same friends as yesterday to go for a lunch in the city and let our tired legs have a rest in this cosy coffee place, where we could spend hours and hours chatting and laughing :-)
Around 5pm we go back to the hotel to get ourselves ready for the next plan: we are going to watch Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui's performance in Zurich. It is about an hour trip but it is worth it to see this great company on stage; even more because we have been dancing one of his pieces, In Memoriam, in BONTE BENDE, our current program in The Netherlands.
After the beautiful and exciting evening, the train brings us back to our hotel in Basel and we try to go early to bed (always a hard thing to do for us!!).
Tomorrow our obligations will call us again: a performance for schools.
Hello from Gloria from Basel
P.S. But as you see on the schedule of today, some others were working (see photo and video) as our show needs to be prepaired for tomorrow morning.

Today: a FREE DAY for us, dancers! Yupie!
After the hard day of work we had in Bern, we deserved to have some time for us. We woke up in our little hotel and discovered a grey day outside....
So some of us feel really lazy and go back to their rooms for an "after breakfast nap", while some others decide to get some fresh air on the streets of Basel. Shopping looks like a really good option, even though Swiss prices are way too high! We join the same friends as yesterday to go for a lunch in the city and let our tired legs have a rest in this cosy coffee place, where we could spend hours and hours chatting and laughing :-)
Around 5pm we go back to the hotel to get ourselves ready for the next plan: we are going to watch Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui's performance in Zurich. It is about an hour trip but it is worth it to see this great company on stage; even more because we have been dancing one of his pieces, In Memoriam, in BONTE BENDE, our current program in The Netherlands.
After the beautiful and exciting evening, the train brings us back to our hotel in Basel and we try to go early to bed (always a hard thing to do for us!!).
Tomorrow our obligations will call us again: a performance for schools.
Hello from Gloria from Basel
P.S. But as you see on the schedule of today, some others were working (see photo and video) as our show needs to be prepaired for tomorrow morning.

woensdag 5 mei 2010
Zwitserland Reisweblog. Dag 6, door Zsolt Hatvani
Schedule day 6 | Dancers: warming up | All: performance for schools at 10:00 and 14:00 | Dancers: talk back with the audience | Technicians: break down | All: transfer from Bern to Basel

I think today we had one of the hardest days until now in this Swiss tour!
We all woke up at 06:30 in the morning to get ready for our first school show of today in Bern! After the show we had a fabulous and enthusiastic audience of 450 kids who helped us to carry on with the second show at 14:00 in the afternoon. We had talk backs after both shows; after the applause we stayed on stage and we all introduced ourselves by telling our name, age and country. After that, the kids were allowed to ask questions. An interesting question was: how does life feels like as a dancer in a modern ballet company where all dancers come together from different countries to dance?
They also wanted to now how often we tour and how you pass an audition at Introdans. That moment is always special to me, because I realise what a privilege it is to dance with Introdans.
Both performances went really well, but for me the first one, personally, was better. It is amazing to perform for such an enthusiastic audience, can you imagine: two times 450 kids (age 6 up to 14) clapping their hands off!
To finish the day, after one and a half hour bus-trip from Bern to Basel we went out for an amazing dinner with our friends from The Basler Ballett and some ex -Introdans dancers. Tomorrow, we have the day off and I am very looking forward to that.
Regards from Basel, Zsolt Hatvani
I think today we had one of the hardest days until now in this Swiss tour!
We all woke up at 06:30 in the morning to get ready for our first school show of today in Bern! After the show we had a fabulous and enthusiastic audience of 450 kids who helped us to carry on with the second show at 14:00 in the afternoon. We had talk backs after both shows; after the applause we stayed on stage and we all introduced ourselves by telling our name, age and country. After that, the kids were allowed to ask questions. An interesting question was: how does life feels like as a dancer in a modern ballet company where all dancers come together from different countries to dance?

Both performances went really well, but for me the first one, personally, was better. It is amazing to perform for such an enthusiastic audience, can you imagine: two times 450 kids (age 6 up to 14) clapping their hands off!
To finish the day, after one and a half hour bus-trip from Bern to Basel we went out for an amazing dinner with our friends from The Basler Ballett and some ex -Introdans dancers. Tomorrow, we have the day off and I am very looking forward to that.
Regards from Basel, Zsolt Hatvani
maandag 3 mei 2010
Zwitserland Reisweblog. Dag 5, door Nicole Guarino
Schedule day 5 | All: transfer from Vevey to Bern | Technicians: set up | Dancers: class and rehearsal
This morning, after breakfast, we made our way from Vevey to the capital of Switzerland, Bern.
It was a one hour and 15 minutes bus journey, and I am sorry to tell you that I can not describe the landscape, because I was sleeping! That is what often happens with us dancers. We are constantly traveling by bus from city to city, so we all have our books and music, but after a few minutes of reading or listening we all fall asleep! I guess dancing is more tiring than it looks!
But sometimes, a few of us remain awake and today was Glenn’s turn to not sleep! I think too many Starbucks’ coffees do that to you. From the picture you can see he was a bit hyper! We arrived in Bern just before midday and we had a few hours to walk around and see the beautiful city. Around 5 o’clock we headed to the theatre for a class and rehearsal of the second cast that will be performing tomorrow. That includes me performing Ella, a solo by Robert Battle that is an actual killer! It is incredible how much you can sweat in a 5min solo!
Tomorrow we have two shows for school children and the first one is really early (10h00), so for this reason, after rehearsals, we came back to the hotel for dinner and for an early night!
Greetings from Bern, Nicole
This morning, after breakfast, we made our way from Vevey to the capital of Switzerland, Bern.
It was a one hour and 15 minutes bus journey, and I am sorry to tell you that I can not describe the landscape, because I was sleeping! That is what often happens with us dancers. We are constantly traveling by bus from city to city, so we all have our books and music, but after a few minutes of reading or listening we all fall asleep! I guess dancing is more tiring than it looks!
Tomorrow we have two shows for school children and the first one is really early (10h00), so for this reason, after rehearsals, we came back to the hotel for dinner and for an early night!
Greetings from Bern, Nicole
Zwitserland Reisweblog. Dag 4, door Aymeric Aude
Schedule day 4 | Masterclass with students 'Just Dance' by Iris Reyes | Dancers: meet & greet students + class | All: performance Théâtre de Vevey | Evert Burggrave: talk back with the audience
Today we woke up under heavy clouds, but Vevey is beautiful anyway with its lake and mountains. Before the performance we met some student dancers from the Swiss dance organization, 'Just Dance'. During the day they had a workshop with Iris, our ballet master, and during the afternoon they followed us and our routines before a show. The talking was really pleasant and we also asked them questions such as “why do you like dancing?” Some of the answers were inspiring: “dance is different from other physical activities, it combines different arts together and I can loose myself in it!” “Dance is dreaming with your legs!” It was really nice to have this talk, also to remind us why we love to dance; because when you start the professional life as a dancer you start to see all the different aspects of your job and you sometimes forget the essence of it.

After the talk we prepared ourselves for the performance. We had 400 people in the audience, and they were really enthusiastic. I have to say there is a difference with the applause in Holland: there we often get a standing ovation, but here in Switzerland we get a long applause which ends into synchronic clapping: such a strong reaction and which so touching (some of us had to cry ;-).
The director of the theatre invited us for a drink after the show and he asked us to sign his guest book (see picture), like he did in 2006 and 2008 too. The day finished with a beautiful sunset, clear sky and the thought in my head that dance is a lot of work, but I have such a great time with the family we built between the dancers.
Kind regards to all of you, wherever you are, Aymeric Aude
After the talk we prepared ourselves for the performance. We had 400 people in the audience, and they were really enthusiastic. I have to say there is a difference with the applause in Holland: there we often get a standing ovation, but here in Switzerland we get a long applause which ends into synchronic clapping: such a strong reaction and which so touching (some of us had to cry ;-).
The director of the theatre invited us for a drink after the show and he asked us to sign his guest book (see picture), like he did in 2006 and 2008 too. The day finished with a beautiful sunset, clear sky and the thought in my head that dance is a lot of work, but I have such a great time with the family we built between the dancers.
Kind regards to all of you, wherever you are, Aymeric Aude
Zuid-Afrika Reisweblog. Dag 6, door Verine Bouwman
Schedule day 6 | Company: 1/2 day off | Dancers: class and corrections | All: performance, the last show of SP!R!T in Cape Town
Na zes dagen in Kaapstad te hebben gespendeerd voelen wij ons hier bijna thuis. Onze bed & breakfast lijkt een klein dorpje waar iedereen een eigen huisje heeft, de supermarkt weten we met onze ogen dicht te vinden & moeiteloos onderhandelen we met de taxichauffeur over de prijs. Vandaag is alweer onze laatste voorstelling in het Baxter Theatre. Fysiek is iedereen wel aan een hersteldag toe, maar na vier keer elke avond honderd procent te hebben gegeven voelen we ons voldaan, dat heeft zeker te maken met het feit dat we hier een fantastisch programma hebben mogen neerzetten. Het publiek was af en toe zo stil, dat het leek alsof er niemand in de zaal zat, terwijl er bij de buigingen gejoel van alle kanten kwam.
Voor mijzelf was deze week een toppunt van genot. Mijn reunie met Kaapstad na drie jaar was bijzonder fijn. Zuid-Afrika heeft mij nooit getrokken totdat ik mijn eerste stap hier aan land zette! Het is wonderbaarlijk hoe groen de oceaan is, de lucht blauwer lijkt te zijn dan in nederland & het zand langs de kust aanvoelt als zijde. Daarnaast is er het eten, de cultuur, de mensen, de geschiedenis van het land. Je zou je afvragen waar de inwoners van deze prachtige stad op vakantie gaan?
Morgen is de laatste dag in Kaapstad, een vrije dag! Even niet meer denken aan ons lichaam, onze energie en conditie, maar volop genieten. Waar ik bij mijn eerste bezoek aan dit land de meeste toeristische plekken heb bezocht; Tafelberg, Boulders beach en Waterfront, heb ik nu kunnen genieten van de plekken waar de 'locals' komen, door de aanwezigheid van mijn collega Laura Cameron, die hier jaren in Kaapstad gewoond heeft.
Ook was het bezoek aan Robben eiland, waar dit keer wel genoeg tijd voor was, erg indrukwekkend. Iedereen lijkt het eiland te verlaten met de gedachten nog bij de gevangeniscel van Nelson Mandela, totdat we vanaf de catamaran aan de horizon de zonsondergang opmerken: de twintig minuten die de vaart duurt zijn te kort om alle verschillende kleuren rood en oranje te waarnemen. Er is een hoop bezichtigen hier in Kaapstad, maar je kan absoluut niet terug naar Nederland zonder hier de 'Sunset' gezien te hebben!
Groeten uit Kaapstad, Verine Bouwman
Na zes dagen in Kaapstad te hebben gespendeerd voelen wij ons hier bijna thuis. Onze bed & breakfast lijkt een klein dorpje waar iedereen een eigen huisje heeft, de supermarkt weten we met onze ogen dicht te vinden & moeiteloos onderhandelen we met de taxichauffeur over de prijs. Vandaag is alweer onze laatste voorstelling in het Baxter Theatre. Fysiek is iedereen wel aan een hersteldag toe, maar na vier keer elke avond honderd procent te hebben gegeven voelen we ons voldaan, dat heeft zeker te maken met het feit dat we hier een fantastisch programma hebben mogen neerzetten. Het publiek was af en toe zo stil, dat het leek alsof er niemand in de zaal zat, terwijl er bij de buigingen gejoel van alle kanten kwam.

Morgen is de laatste dag in Kaapstad, een vrije dag! Even niet meer denken aan ons lichaam, onze energie en conditie, maar volop genieten. Waar ik bij mijn eerste bezoek aan dit land de meeste toeristische plekken heb bezocht; Tafelberg, Boulders beach en Waterfront, heb ik nu kunnen genieten van de plekken waar de 'locals' komen, door de aanwezigheid van mijn collega Laura Cameron, die hier jaren in Kaapstad gewoond heeft.
Ook was het bezoek aan Robben eiland, waar dit keer wel genoeg tijd voor was, erg indrukwekkend. Iedereen lijkt het eiland te verlaten met de gedachten nog bij de gevangeniscel van Nelson Mandela, totdat we vanaf de catamaran aan de horizon de zonsondergang opmerken: de twintig minuten die de vaart duurt zijn te kort om alle verschillende kleuren rood en oranje te waarnemen. Er is een hoop bezichtigen hier in Kaapstad, maar je kan absoluut niet terug naar Nederland zonder hier de 'Sunset' gezien te hebben!
Groeten uit Kaapstad, Verine Bouwman
Just Dance! in Vevey

Just Dance! is een onderdeel van Danse Suisse, een nationale organisatie die dans en ballet promoot d.m.v. cursussen, workshops, masterclasses en het bezoeken van voorstellingen. 12 leden van Just Dance! zijn vandaag te gast bij Introdans Ensemble voor de Jeugd in Vevey. 's Ochtends volgen ze een master class van balletmeester Iris Reyes. 's Middags bezoeken ze het theater voor een meet and greet met de Introdansers en kijken ze bij de warming up en de spacing. En natuurlijk volgt daarna een bezoek aan de voorstelling SPECIALSTEPS.
fotobijschrift: Iris Reyes geeft een masterclass in het kader van STEPSfestival
zondag 2 mei 2010
Zwitserland Reisweblog. Dag 3, door Glenn Graham
Schedule day 3 | Crew: travel from Luzern to Vevey
Three days into our Switzerland tour and everything seems to be going smoothly. Our first performance in Luzern was a succes, with a rapturous applause from what seemed to be a very satisfied audience. Next stop ‘Vevey’
A nice and early start to the day as we make our way from the beautiful city of Luzern to the French speaking city of Vevey! Breakfast has finished, time to load the bus with our cases and ‘voila’ ready for our two-hour bus journey. We settle nicely on in our seats, ipods, computers, iphones, mp3 players and last but not least BOOKS are ready for our trip. The first hour of our journey was very mellow, all a little sleepy from our night out on the town with friends from the local company of Luzern. All, except Evert (our marketing manager) who seemed to be overwhelmed with the espresso machine on board of our bus, by offering his services though out the trip, which kept the technicians and Iris (our ballet master) very amused: thanks Rinaldo (one of our technicians) and Evert!
As we go farther into our trip we suddenly slowly come alive, conversations flowing, laughing and joking, yep we’re all awake. Time for a quick pee stop, then shortly we arrive in Vevey: the home to the amazingly talented Charlie Chaplin. Unfortunately the weather has decided not to be our friend today, which is such a shame as we’re unable to see the beautiful and astonishing mountains that surround the lake that I remember from our previous tour of Switzerland. Oh well not to worry, a visit to the local shopping centre, a little bite to eat and then back to the hotel for a quick snooze before we all (dancers, technicians, costume lady, tour hostess, marketing manager and ballet master) meet for a traditional famous cheese fondue meal. The end of the evening was perfect: stomachs full and then time to retire back to the hotel to chat to our loved ones through the wonderful life saving and lets not forget money saving world of Skype. Everyone looking forward to what tomorrows performance will bring.
With love from Vevey, Glenn Graham

A nice and early start to the day as we make our way from the beautiful city of Luzern to the French speaking city of Vevey! Breakfast has finished, time to load the bus with our cases and ‘voila’ ready for our two-hour bus journey. We settle nicely on in our seats, ipods, computers, iphones, mp3 players and last but not least BOOKS are ready for our trip. The first hour of our journey was very mellow, all a little sleepy from our night out on the town with friends from the local company of Luzern. All, except Evert (our marketing manager) who seemed to be overwhelmed with the espresso machine on board of our bus, by offering his services though out the trip, which kept the technicians and Iris (our ballet master) very amused: thanks Rinaldo (one of our technicians) and Evert!
As we go farther into our trip we suddenly slowly come alive, conversations flowing, laughing and joking, yep we’re all awake. Time for a quick pee stop, then shortly we arrive in Vevey: the home to the amazingly talented Charlie Chaplin. Unfortunately the weather has decided not to be our friend today, which is such a shame as we’re unable to see the beautiful and astonishing mountains that surround the lake that I remember from our previous tour of Switzerland. Oh well not to worry, a visit to the local shopping centre, a little bite to eat and then back to the hotel for a quick snooze before we all (dancers, technicians, costume lady, tour hostess, marketing manager and ballet master) meet for a traditional famous cheese fondue meal. The end of the evening was perfect: stomachs full and then time to retire back to the hotel to chat to our loved ones through the wonderful life saving and lets not forget money saving world of Skype. Everyone looking forward to what tomorrows performance will bring.
With love from Vevey, Glenn Graham
Interactie tijdens BEAexpo in Bern

Nederland is gastland tijdens de BEAexpo in Bern. Vanwege de Zwitserse tournee van Introdans Ensemble voor de Jeugd is een deelname van Introdans Interactie op deze beurs vanzelfsprekend. Op zaterdag en zondag verzorgen Patricia van Deutekom en Minne van Loon (docenten Introdans Interactie) in het Holland paviljoen een aantal workshops. De deelnemers doen enthousiast mee en leren in korte tijd de Battle Break, Van Manen Move, Rocha Roll en Wiggers Walk. En wederom wordt duidelijk: Introdans maakt dans aantrekkelijk voor jong en oud!

zaterdag 1 mei 2010
Zwitserland Reisweblog. Dag 2, door Alexis Geddis
Schedule day 2 | Dancers: 1/2 day off + class | Evert Burggrave: post performance talk with the audience | All: 1st performance

Tonight was our first show in beautiful Luzern. We spent the morning walking around the city center and enjoying the views of the water and mountains. After lunch, we went to the theater to do class. We worked in the foyer of the theater over looking the view of the lake with the sun shining in. Luckily the weather has still been kind to us. After our evening warm up we got ready for the show. All of the nerves and excitement finally started to hit us. We had a very enthusiastic audience which really gave us the energy to put on a good first show. Now we are treating ourselves to a nice dinner all together at the hotel before travelling to Vevey in the morning. It is my first time in Switzerland and now I can see why it is one of everyones favourite tours.
Cheers, Alexis Geddis

Tonight was our first show in beautiful Luzern. We spent the morning walking around the city center and enjoying the views of the water and mountains. After lunch, we went to the theater to do class. We worked in the foyer of the theater over looking the view of the lake with the sun shining in. Luckily the weather has still been kind to us. After our evening warm up we got ready for the show. All of the nerves and excitement finally started to hit us. We had a very enthusiastic audience which really gave us the energy to put on a good first show. Now we are treating ourselves to a nice dinner all together at the hotel before travelling to Vevey in the morning. It is my first time in Switzerland and now I can see why it is one of everyones favourite tours.
Cheers, Alexis Geddis

Zuid-Afrika Reisweblog. Dag 5, door Caroline Kwee
Schedule day 5 | Crew: 1/2 day off | Dancers: make up, class and corrections | All: Performance
Vandaag belooft het weer een mooi dag te worden en we hoeven we pas om 17.00 uur in het Baxter Theatre te zijn, dus een ideale dag om te genieten van Kaapstad. Mirjana en ik besluiten wat cadeautjes te kopen voor familie en vrienden thuis en een museum te bezoeken. We nemen deze keer geen taxi maar stappen in een minibus, die claxonerend en met een man uit het raam die al fluitend en schreeuwend meer mensen in het busje probeert te krijgen, naar het centrum rijdt. We onderhandelen een hele poos over prijzen op de Greenmarket Square, een door bomen schaduwrijk plein waar in stalletjes allerlei souvenirs worden verkocht. Hierna wandelen we door de prachtig aangelegde Company Gardens, een stadspark waar we de exotische planten bekijken en tamme eekhoorns wat nootjes voeren. Het is intussen zo laat geworden dat we het museumbezoek voor een andere dag bewaren.
Vanavond is er een grote groep dansstudenten van de University of Cape Town in het publiek, dat nog enthousiaster reageert dan bij de voorstelling gisteravond. Dit geeft de dansers een enorme energyboost! Na afloop van de voorstelling is er een nabespreking met de studenten, die een heleboel vragen voor ons hebben. Zij komen na afloop ook het toneel op en we maken een groepsfoto met iedereen samen. We praten nog wat met hen, het is heel inspirerend om over hun leven te horen en hoe zij met dans bezig zijn. Blij dat de voorstelling hen heeft geraakt verlaat ik het theater met de andere dansers, voldaan over onze missie, de Introdansmissie.

Vanavond is er een grote groep dansstudenten van de University of Cape Town in het publiek, dat nog enthousiaster reageert dan bij de voorstelling gisteravond. Dit geeft de dansers een enorme energyboost! Na afloop van de voorstelling is er een nabespreking met de studenten, die een heleboel vragen voor ons hebben. Zij komen na afloop ook het toneel op en we maken een groepsfoto met iedereen samen. We praten nog wat met hen, het is heel inspirerend om over hun leven te horen en hoe zij met dans bezig zijn. Blij dat de voorstelling hen heeft geraakt verlaat ik het theater met de andere dansers, voldaan over onze missie, de Introdansmissie.
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