A nice and early start to the day as we make our way from the beautiful city of Luzern to the French speaking city of Vevey! Breakfast has finished, time to load the bus with our cases and ‘voila’ ready for our two-hour bus journey. We settle nicely on in our seats, ipods, computers, iphones, mp3 players and last but not least BOOKS are ready for our trip. The first hour of our journey was very mellow, all a little sleepy from our night out on the town with friends from the local company of Luzern. All, except Evert (our marketing manager) who seemed to be overwhelmed with the espresso machine on board of our bus, by offering his services though out the trip, which kept the technicians and Iris (our ballet master) very amused: thanks Rinaldo (one of our technicians) and Evert!
As we go farther into our trip we suddenly slowly come alive, conversations flowing, laughing and joking, yep we’re all awake. Time for a quick pee stop, then shortly we arrive in Vevey: the home to the amazingly talented Charlie Chaplin. Unfortunately the weather has decided not to be our friend today, which is such a shame as we’re unable to see the beautiful and astonishing mountains that surround the lake that I remember from our previous tour of Switzerland. Oh well not to worry, a visit to the local shopping centre, a little bite to eat and then back to the hotel for a quick snooze before we all (dancers, technicians, costume lady, tour hostess, marketing manager and ballet master) meet for a traditional famous cheese fondue meal. The end of the evening was perfect: stomachs full and then time to retire back to the hotel to chat to our loved ones through the wonderful life saving and lets not forget money saving world of Skype. Everyone looking forward to what tomorrows performance will bring.
With love from Vevey, Glenn Graham
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