I think today we had one of the hardest days until now in this Swiss tour!
We all woke up at 06:30 in the morning to get ready for our first school show of today in Bern! After the show we had a fabulous and enthusiastic audience of 450 kids who helped us to carry on with the second show at 14:00 in the afternoon. We had talk backs after both shows; after the applause we stayed on stage and we all introduced ourselves by telling our name, age and country. After that, the kids were allowed to ask questions. An interesting question was: how does life feels like as a dancer in a modern ballet company where all dancers come together from different countries to dance?

Both performances went really well, but for me the first one, personally, was better. It is amazing to perform for such an enthusiastic audience, can you imagine: two times 450 kids (age 6 up to 14) clapping their hands off!
To finish the day, after one and a half hour bus-trip from Bern to Basel we went out for an amazing dinner with our friends from The Basler Ballett and some ex -Introdans dancers. Tomorrow, we have the day off and I am very looking forward to that.
Regards from Basel, Zsolt Hatvani
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